Saturday, February 02, 2008

Little Milestones

I know I have been MIA again. I think the problem is that I have so much I want to say that I don’t know where or how to begin. Well, and then there have been the other blogs... I have posted a ton to several other blogs in the last 2 weeks. It seems everyone has topics that get me fired up and I have been up typing til the wee hours everywhere but here. Between these blogs and some other things going on in my life, I have so many thoughts I want to get out. But if I begin typing I may never stop.

However, some significant things have happened in my little boy’s life in the last 2 weeks of *silence*. And I want to be sure I keep his posts current.

Last Saturday was our very first Gotcha Day! It is also Harrison’s cousin, Brayden’s birthday. Tim, being an adoptee, thinks Gotcha Day is silly and always thought it was just something his little sister made up to get extra presents. But the day means a lot to me and I was so excited to celebrate so Tim got in the spirit. I think he gets it more now that he is a daddy.

The only problem was we didn’t really think things through. We planned a full day: at Brayden’s birthday party all day and then off to the toy store for a special present, then out to dinner as a family to celebrate Gotcha Day. Well the birthday party prevented a nap, so by the time we got to the toy store he was asleep. We picked a toy, while he snoozed in the stroller and then headed to dinner. We met my mom in the parking lot with a very over-stimulated, over-tired toddler on the verge of a meltdown. We reached the decision that it would not be a very fun Gotcha Day celebration for him if he was being corrected the whole time, and we headed home. Pizza and pajamas would have to suffice for a celebration, but at least we could enjoy each other.

The other significant moment in my little boys life came the night before Gotcha Day. And it was just tragic! For Mommy, not for Harry. He had been refusing to go to bed at night, screaming his head off for 30 - 40 minutes every night for over 2 months. It always had to be Mommy who put him to sleep and the screaming occurred no matter what I tried. And I tried EVERYTHING! so this night, in his screaming fit he points across the room. I begin asking what he wants naming things, until finally I realize he is pointing to the twin sized bed in his room. I was exhausted of his antics so I put him in the big bed. That was it. Happy as a clam, he went to sleep and has refused his crib everyday and every night since. My baby isn’t even 2 and he is in a big boy bed. He wasn’t a baby long enough! We had exactly 1 year, 365 days of our baby in a crib. Boo-hoo!

Those are the only two Harrison updates. I have a lot more I’d like to type about, but that will have to wait for now.

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