Sunday, February 25, 2007

The issue of the day

Some mornings, while I feed the baby breakfast, my dh reads the me headlines and tidbits from the morning news (typically courtesy of Matt Drudge.) Imagine my dismay this morning, to discover James Cameron will be disproving Christianity once and for all, at a press conference tomorrow. He claims to have proven that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, had a son named Judah and died. Mr. Cameron will say that through DNA testing, he can prove that he has found Jesus' remains.

My gut reaction this morning: Give me a break! What exactly is going to compare this DNA to, in order to prove this is Jesus? And even if there were some to compare it to, they are analyzing two thousand year old DNA? C'mon anyone who has watched CSI knows, it is difficult to get good DNA from a body just a couple of years old, much less two thousand years. Okay, so I know CSI isn't scientific, but I would take the bet that it is a lot less fictional than Mr. Cameron's findings.

After church I began to think on this more. While I am not afraid I am going to need to go search for a new religion anytime soon, I did spend some time thinking about the gullible nature of man. It seems that if people hear something enough, they just begin to believe it. If someone somewhere says they've proved it, well then, it must be true. As I began to fret about this prospect of the difficult road that may lay ahead for Christ's church, the Lord gently reminded me that rarely have His people come under attack, that He hasn't risen up strong among them... That when sin abounds, grace does much more abound... That even in the midst of the unspeakable suffering under Nero, his church did not just survive, but she thrived. I began thinking, "Bring it on, Mr. Cameron!"

But the day wore on and by evening, my heart was moved again by the Lord's gentle prodding. James Cameron is not our enemy. He is not who we fight. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The Christ, who he seeks to discredit, is the Christ who died on a cross for this very action.

And so tonight with Christ, my only response can be to pray...

Father, forgive him, for he knows not what he does.


S.A.Steitz (Henry) said...

Char, scarry how we think a like. Last night I wrote almost the same last lines as you did. I love you guys and am very proud of the both of you.

S.A.Steitz (Henry) said...

Hey I'm talking to you...